Healthcare & PharmaceuticalsResearchWriting & Language Services
Neuroexceptional Talents
I'm very detail oriented, picking up on patterns that others miss, and paying close attention to niche details that matter a lot in the long term. I'm also a devoted and hard working employee, and am great at picking up new skillsets quickly. I am also good with technology, so learning system interfaces from scratch is not that difficult for me.
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Daily Essentials
Task ManagementConcise instructionsWritten ChecklistsPeriodic Rest BreaksUninterrupted Work Time
Daily RemindersCommunication PlanReceiving Information in AdvanceWritten InstructionsMeditation / Quiet Room
Sensory Sensitivities
fluorescent lightingHeavy liftingBright, blinking, or fluorescent lightsLoud noisesOutdoors or places with strong smells