I am a recent graduate and SEIR (Software Engineering Immersive Resident) from Hack Reactor looking to become a software engineer. I also majored in Psychology at California Lutheran University.
Ideal Workplace Values
I want a queer-friendly, woman-friendly workplace where I can create software that helps people and makes a difference.
Oak Park, California, US
Open To
Full Time Job
Work Settings
Career Interests
Information Technology & Cybersecurity
Neuroexceptional Talents
My autism and ADHD allow me to hyperfocus and treat what I need to get done as a puzzle to solve. My hyperempathy and history of being bullied for my differences allows me to be in tune with others' emotions and be understanding of their needs.
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Software Engineering Immersive
Hack Reactor
Issued 2021 | Expires 2021
Daily RemindersConcise instructionsWritten ChecklistsReceiving Information in AdvanceWritten Instructions