I love any thing tech related and working with my hands. I'm self taught how to repair small video game consoles, crochet, and just about anything I put my mind to. I'm a quick learner and enjoy learning in general. I look forward to working for you :).
Ideal Workplace Values
Supports constructive criticism, encourages movement in the company, engages in a non-toxic work environment.
Cincinnati, Ohio, US
Open To
Full Time Job
Work Settings
Career Interests
Administrative WorkData-Related WorkResearch
Neuroexceptional Talents
Ability to learn quickly.
Loading Skills...
Task ManagementCommunication PlanConcise instructionsWritten ChecklistsReceiving Information in Advance
Sensory Sensitivities
Driving a vehicleWorking with foodInteraction with the publicHeavy liftingBright, blinking, or fluorescent lights