Fletcher Riordan
I am a passionate and dedicated individual. I thrive in an environment where I get to learn things that interest me, such as: music, science, literature, history, advocacy, animals, coffee, etc. I have worked in food service for 10 years primarily as a barista shift supervisor. I have also worked in an emergency department for one year as a psychiatric crisis technician as well as a transporter during the covid pandemic. I am currently working as a legal assistant for a local attorney. I enjoy getting to switch things up. I do benefit from a loose routine, but I don't care for a rigid schedule that is very similar every day. I have 2 years of college experience in the human services and psychology fields. I am currently returning to school for a laboratory technician degree. I also volunteer weekends at my local pride center. I am learning about photography and videography in my free time, and occasionally take small photographer jobs for friends. My hobbies include: making coffee, photography and videography, playing (piano, ukulele, guitar, bass, singing) and analyzing music (theory, lyrics, sound, composition), reading non-fiction research articles and books or listening to educational podcasts, and spending downtime with friends. At my core I am a creative. I find interesting solutions to situations that others do not.
Ideal Workplace Values
In one word, accessible. But in a broad and far-reaching context. Mobility aid friendly, sensory friendly (no fluorescents or an accommodation to wear headphones or turn off my light/bring in lamps, as well as not consistently noisy, low forced interactions, respecting hours and time off, accommodations for paid sick time and doctor's visits, willingness from management and team to listen and validate my support needs, ability to take extra small breaks every couple of hours, respect for my job description and not taking advantage of that (having me surprise train a new hire, working late or overtime, not contacting me after hours unless necessary, etc.), snacks and stocked first aid kit or meal benefits, non-expensive or free healthcare with good coverage, vacation time, 401k, and disability benefits, direct communication without information overloads, small bits of instruction at a time that allows me to learn hands on and visually, no verbal communication for difficult or important tasks, or things I'm expected to remember and follow (put it in writing or actively show me, explain, and ensure I understand.
Helt, Fairview Park, Clinton, Indiana, US
Open To
Full Time JobPart Time JobWork Settings
RemoteIn-PersonHybridNeuroexceptional Talents
I am able to think outside the box, and use my creativity to find solutions that others don't. While my auditory processing skills in terms of speaking aren't the greatest, I feel music with my entire body. I can speak about it effortlessly. I am extremely passionate about my interests and am happy to share my knowledge with others. I work best with clear instructions or predictable work, that still offers flexibility and variety. When I am given direct and specific instruction I do a consistently good job. I am dedicated, and personable, and can read a room extremely well, probably too well honestly.
Creative ThinkerDeep EmpathizerDetail-oriented ThinkerFact Retainer