Ilene Gawaran
I am the first in my family to attend some college and born from immigrant parents. Navigating through life has been quite the rollercoaster since my parents were still learning how to navigate life in the USA. I never really knew what I wanted to do in life. I've always just delved right into a job whenever I was given an opportunity and that's how I ended up working so long in the pharmacy even though my heart longed for technology. Despite my last role being a training specialist at a specialty pharmacy, I jumped on the chance to work on a project that no one wanted to take on. It required me to teach myself VBA from scratch and I was able to build a template tool in Excel that would validate the data entered, checked that all pertinent fields were filled, the template would change according to the data being entered, and some templates even generated emails straight from excel. I loved this moment because it gave me some confidence that persistence pays off. I am currently trying to transition to a data analyst role to eventually move into data engineering.
Ideal Workplace Values
My ideal workspace is a place that is inclusive and diverse. I am an introvert that will attend work functions that gives me a safe space to get to know my other coworkers. Flexibility and continuous feedback helps keeps my anxiety at ease.
Anna, Texas, US
Open To
Full Time JobWork Settings
RemoteHybridCareer Interests
Art & CreativeData-Related WorkResearchInformation Technology & CybersecurityNeuroexceptional Talents
I like to go through past events/data and see how it leads to certain trends or events. Also, my brain likes to explore to while there is down time so often times I will get to know the tools I am working with like the back of my hand.