I'm a college student who is studying interface design in order to create accessible experiences for all. I have a great eye for design and I love visualizing ideas to life. I've been coding for nearly a decade, starting with block-based programming (Scratch!) now to web development and more.
Ideal Workplace Values
I enjoy working in a team, however still working alone. I'm not big into socialization however I still appreciate having co-workers. I love flexible hours that let me work when I want and where I want. I enjoy a team that is open-minded and always willing to try new things.
Pelham, Amherst Town, Massachusetts, US
Open To
Part Time JobPart Time Internship
Work Settings
Career Interests
Art & CreativeInformation Technology & Cybersecurity
Neuroexceptional Talents
I’m able to see things differently and visualize things while coding. I have a keen eye for design and colors that help me with my work.
Creative ThinkerDetail-oriented ThinkerHyperfocusTech or Computer Savvy
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Daily Essentials
Written InstructionsUninterrupted Work Time
Camera OffInterview Scheduling RemindersTask ManagementDaily Check-insWritten Checklists
Sensory Sensitivities
Bright, blinking, or fluorescent lightsLoud noisesOutdoors or places with strong smellsUniforms (hard hat, hair net, etc.)