I attended college in late adulthood and maintained a 4.0 GPA in both Bachelor’s and Master’s programs while working full time out of the home. I have an exceptional attention to detail, and once was hired at a data position after identifying an error in the company’s assessment tests.
Ideal Workplace Values
Inclusiveness and empathy for people with disabilities. Pet friendly. Culturally competent.
Patrick Henry, Green Spring, Virginia, US
Open To
Full Time Job
Work Settings
Career Interests
Administrative WorkData-Related WorkResearch
Neuroexceptional Talents
I have exceptional attention to detail and ability to spot inconsistencies. I’m extremely fast and accurate in data entry. I’m a rule follower and enjoy learning rules and parameters of tasks so that I can do an exceptional job.
Strong Task PersistenceTech or Computer SavvyVoracious ReaderDeep Empathizer
Loading Skills...
Camera OffExtra large monitorScreen Magnification1 on 1 CommunicationConcise instructions
Sensory Sensitivities
Heavy liftingBright, blinking, or fluorescent lightsOutdoors or places with strong smellsStanding for long periods