Mikaeel Abdulwakil
I am passionate about Blockchain Technology, Cybersecurity and especially where they intertwine. I am a magnificent selection for a plethora of reasons, the three I will point out now are my resourcefulness in conducting research to get the information I require to complete the task at hand, my ability to process vast amounts of data in a compressed timeframe and convey it in a manner that is easily understandable, my persistence in completing a task I have been given. When we encounter a situation that is new, I'm the person taking it head on and resolving it in a collaborative, learning and harmonious manner.
Ideal Workplace Values
A place where personal and professional goals are celebrated as well as caring about planet and the people that comprise the planet.
Open To
Part Time InternshipFull Time InternshipCo-opFull Time JobFreelance/Contract WorkPart Time JobWork Settings
RemoteCareer Interests
ResearchInformation Technology & CybersecurityEducation & InstructionPsychology, Counseling & Mental HealthNeuroexceptional Talents
It allows me to focus on multiple things simultaneously and tend to them as much as they require for mission to be completed.