I offer a versatile skill-set that includes full-stack web development, software engineering, design, and photography. My main coding stack is React, Node, Express, and MongoDB. For design, I use Adobe software and Figma. I'm grateful for any opportunity to connect with others, help ideas come to life, and continually expand my horizons.
When I'm not working, you can find me playing chess, hanging out with my cat Lou, or climbing at the bouldering gym.
Ideal Workplace Values
Ideally, I'd like to work on a diverse team using technology for social good.
Minneapolis, Minnesota, US
Open To
Full Time Job
Work Settings
Career Interests
Information Technology & Cybersecurity
Neuroexceptional Talents
My ADHD helps me get into a flow state of work - which allows me to hyper-focus on the task.
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Written ChecklistsFlexible scheduleUninterrupted Work TimeStanding DesksMeditation / Quiet Room
Sensory Sensitivities
Loud noisesOutdoors or places with strong smellsStanding for long periods